
When my garage caught fire I didn't know what to do with my burnt Dyane but I made the best decision.  I gave it to my dear friend Johnny Mac for his birthday. After the hardest work by Johnny and Lionel Hondier '68 Dyane with four light body got the second life in Vancouver BC. Look at the photo of pre-restoration. Burnt license plate is the hint of my smile.

That was very nice to see you guys at the Rendezvous in Saratoga Springs NY!

We had great Father's Day with 150 vintage French Cars. See you there again next year!

Got detailed by Griot's Garage Ceramic Speed Shine, now let's go for a ride!!

Call Kenji for the parts that you can't find on this site. I have so much more parts now! (206)242-4888 or email info@2cvsource.com   

My wonderful custoer Stan Cheren has started a novel project quite literally! He and his wife Barbel at Ranch Park Publishing in Fearrington Village near Chapel Hill, North Carolina, have launched a book series called “The Little French Car”. 

Available in English, French and Spahish at FPS WEST (click here to see web store)

Inspiration comes from owning a 2CV they call Ms. Deuzy. She is a 1985 grey “Charleston” model manufactured at the Citroën factory in Levallois outside of Paris. They fell in love with her on their travels and in 2012 brought her back from Belgium.

In their travels throughout North Carolina, they are constantly approached by people fascinated to see it, especially children! So they thought — why not write a series on books on their little 2CV and base it on a series of adventures that will match creative minds to the iconic French icon? Stories that will share the incredible history of the 2CV with the collectors who grew up with them and with their children and friends.

Ms. Deuzy is a real character on four wheels who talks to Luc and her animal and automobile friends. Her constant companion is Luc, an 18 year old student at the Sorbonne in Paris. He spends the summers on his family farm outside of Aix.

In these stories Stan and Barbel will give Ms. Deuzy the ample opportunity to meet exciting and fun folks and go to exciting places.

 Stan and Barbel invite you to share stories of your experiences with your favourite 2CVs and to tell us where you would like them to take their Ms. Deuzy in the future.

The Little French Car in Paris (English version) is available now (for $17.00 US + shipping) and can be ordered through FPS West, our 2CV parts partner in the US. They expect the Spanish and French copies any day now.

So, tell your friends and family that both the eBook and paperbacks editions of The Little French Car in Paris are here!


2019 Bastille Day Vancouver  



2018 Fall in Nagano Japan





T-Shirt 2CV 70th anniversary! $20 

T-Shirt long sleeve 2CV 70th anniversary! $25 


Toyo 135R15 is back in stock. Quality tire for driviers. $94

#3611R Red canvas muff for 60-65 big chevron aluminum grill $36

#3613B Blue Celester canvas muff for 66-74 3-Bar grill $36



#3610 Grill muff: 2CV4/6 for Plastic Grill $17.50




 Welcome to French Parts Service


17020 Sylvester Rd SW

Normandy Park, WA 98166 USA


Phone: (206) 242-4888 Email: info@2cvsource.com


Business hours: 8:00am - 4:00 pm (PST) Monday - Friday

FPS Online Parts Order






Are you still changing your points?
123ignitions offer improved performance and require no maintenance!


See how the 123ignition is superior to standard points (14.3mb video, Quicktime required)


See how the 123ignition is superior to standard points (5.4mb video without sound, Quicktime required)



Classic Covers

We are delighted to offer a line of car covers using latest technology “Noah®” fabric, and tailored to fit Citroën models, including:

2CV - DS - Traction Avant - CX - SM

Other Classics Upon Request

Through FPS, these patterns are available in the breathable, space-age Noah® material, with a special micro-porous middle layer that resists rain, but allows condensation to evaporate.

Allow your Citroën to receive the protection that other makes enjoy! When the wind blows, loose covers wear on car paint. But these snug covers are custom cut, with grommets for tie-downs. Every cover is carefully made with flawlessly smooth seams and UV protection.

For Indoor use, we now also offer the custom-fit, three-layer “DustGuard” to protect cars from the dirt and scratches that can result from garage activity.

Thanks to our low overhead (no retail store, etc.) our prices are deeply discounted over the suggested retail. We hope that you will take advantage - preserving the cars is the passion at the heart of French Parts Service.

Noah outdoor cover for 2CV $335.00 / Dustguard cover for 2CV $305.00
Noah outdoor cover for DS $365.00 / Dustguard cover for DS $329.00
Noah outdoor cover for Traction Avant $365.00 / Dustguard cover for Traction Avant $329.00

See page for the covers.

Does your Citroën have a classic companion?

Ask about our other patterns.



GIFT CERTIFICATES now available!!!
Make it easy to request or receive a gift for that special someone
- your 2CV!

Any amount can be designated - request by e-mail or by phone.